Wednesday, October 30, 2019

International monetary policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

International monetary policy - Term Paper Example Under that regime higher employment and sustainable economic growth was regarded through low inflation as one of the theoretical framework of monetary policy (Solow & Taylor, 1998). The effects of money supply decisions are transmitted through interest rate channel through the economy. The transmission mechanism in the economy is not as simple as it seems since there are uncertainties about timings, expectations, exchange rate, interest rate and balance of payments (Canada, 1999). This traditional framework of monetary policy has been effective for the domestic and closed economies but with the changing scenarios of economic integration and interdependence. This emergence of new economic activities across borders gave birth to a new dimension of monetary policy which was named as International Monetary Policy. International monetary policy analyses the effects of policy decisions over international finances of a country through exchange rates (Odell, 1982). Monetary policy only overlook the domestic aspect of interest rate while in international monetary policy the focus is more on balance of payments and on balance of trade. Policy decision of money supply lead to appreciation/ depreciation of currency while other factors remain same due to which exchange rate may overshoot instantly. Considering such complications and impediments, international monetary policy can serve the purpose to achieve target through either stabilizing exchange rate or through fixed exchange rate or through currency unions or through dollarization (Scammell, 1975). So, traditional monetary policy doctrine failed to capture the independent nature of monetary policy. The regime of International monetary policy was first acknowledged around four decades ago which recognized the international monetary policy spill over and helped in reconsidering and reshaping the macroeconomic and open economy monetary models. International policy regime since its

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gender Criticism based on Feminism and Masculinism in the Book “Skin” Essay Example for Free

Gender Criticism based on Feminism and Masculinism in the Book â€Å"Skin† Essay The book entitled, â€Å"Skin† is written by Ted Dekker and is a fiction novel about a killer who took as captives five people who each had stories to tell and had things about their past to confront. They were brought together by such deadly circumstances and despite their individual differences and suspicions drawn against one another, they had to work together somehow against a common enemy, their captor. â€Å"Skin† covers issues of feminism and masculinism in the details about how the captured characters – namely, Wendy, Colt, Jerry, Nicole and Carey were victimized by the killer, Red. For Wendy, it all started one rainy night when she was driving herself to the place where her estranged mother was. The horror of all that they have gone through, all five of them, turned out to be something none of them was ever prepared for. Thesis The novel â€Å"Skin† relates a story that supports the thesis that the gender-defined roles of the characters therein damaged both sides. The story also presented the question of what true beauty is, both masculine and feminine beauty. Beauty is explored both as an external quality and as something that is more than what meets the eye – in men and in women. It turns out that beauty can be perceived by people as gender-defined. Beauty in men, thus, can be judged by parameters that are supposed to apply to men, and then beauty in women can be judged by altogether different parameters that, in turn, are supposed to apply to women. Feminism in the Story Wendy is an escapist from a cult where men reigned as the superior sex. In fact, even decisions pertaining to her life – who she was to wed eventually, who she could date and kiss – were made by the acknowledged head of their tribe, a man much older that her who was even supposed to be her future husband. Her mom was in the cult, too. As a member of it, she submitted to such leader and went to wherever the group went, never deciding for herself where and how she wanted to live her life. Through it all, she allowed the cult leader to make decisions that she should have made for herself and her daughter, Wendy. Wendy has become a prime feminist since her escape from the group whose members made up her world. She then became totally free – free to make choices for herself, free to make decisions concerning herself, her life and her personal interests. She has been equipped with good education and having been a scholar who made it through college by herself – with no help from parents, whose support usually comes in the form of financial resources to enable their children get through college as a way to have much better chances for a bright future. During her traumatic childhood experiences in the cult where the male leader was practically the ruler of all, Wendy had known what it meant to be eyed or even â€Å"reserved† for an older man. In the story, there was the pre-arranged marriage that Wendy had no choice but to succumb to when the time for it would come. For this reason, Wendy was even punished at one time for having kissed a guy. Through it all, Wendy came to have this fear of men. It was the same fear that went in the way of her having a serious relationship with a guy even when she was already a young woman. Thus, during years since her escape, Wendy had only female friends. Given the life she lived and the role of men in her life, Wendy has grown to be an independent woman who definitely did not need a man to make life easier for her. In contrast, Nicole had her brother, Cary, to adore her, to take care of her and to protect her. She grew up depending on the love and security that her older brother represented. Nicole represents the very image that present day feminists want to totally disassociate from women in general. She’s a victim of men who, like her brother, have to be needed by the women in their lives as the only way they would feel strong, masculine and happy. In such a trap, the likes of Nicole have been raised to believe that women are weak and are in constant need of the protection and support that only men can provide. For an independent woman like Wendy, it was indeed a novelty to watch Carey carry his younger sister all the way and to see for herself how much Carey loves his younger sister, Nicole. And Nicole, loved him, too. He was her older brother who has always been her source of love and protection. The same love and protection, though, can serve to curtail Nicole’s potentials as a person – a free thinker, a decision-maker and the master of her fate. Thus, the protective love of men – in this case, Nicole’s older brother – can be likened to a trap that can prevent women from going out into the world, making mistakes and learning in the process, and living their lives to the fullest. Curtailed freedom was one thing Wendy and Nicole had in common, but Wendy had chosen to break out of her prison cell and fly away toward freedom and self-realization. Men, as oppressors, can clip the wings of the women in their lives either intentionally or not, either lovingly or not – the manner, though, does not change the meaning of what is going on. Masculinism in the Story Colt’s masculinity would seem readily obvious in the light of his being a policeman. His marked skill as a gunman would serve to give his masculinity an added boost. After all, his being an adept shooter can easily be surmised to mean his being a good protector of people under his wings. As a great gunman, then, Colt has won the respect and admiration of his fellow cops in the police department, both male and female. And also as a great gunman, Colt would seem the kind of man who has little or nothing to fear. No one would guess, therefore, that for all his seemingly apparent masculinity, Colt has fears and has doubts of his capabilities and qualities as a man. In fact, the story says that having a woman around or being with one is enough to break Colt’s cool demeanor and to reduce him into a bundle of nerves. He therefore has neven been close to a woman. His life has been lived and has revolved pretty much around male friends. The story has mentioned Colt’s mom who has been murdered but was believed to have committed suicide – she might easily have been the only woman in his life. One’s childhood always leaves its imprints on the person. Events during Colt’s childhood have caused him to have insecurities and doubts about himself. These self-doubts leave no sign in the policeman that Colt has become. Such doubts and insecurities have stayed within him but have been buried way under Colt’s demeanor. In a way, Colt has been victimized by the way ladies ridicule guys they are not interested in, more so when ladies spurn those suitors whom they do not at all find attractive. Being rejected by a girl can have such an adverse impact on a guy’s confidence. Some guys even find it hard to recover their self-esteem after having been rejected by the ladies they loved. While Colt avoided women as characters he was not ready to have in his life, Cary was the type of guy who was instinctively protective of women he loved, like his sister, Nicole. Cary has grown up believing that the male sex is the stronger sex and that the females are therefore to be taken care of and sheltered. While adhering to this belief, being in helpless situations would kill the likes of Cary in their insistence that they be the protectors of the women they love. Thus, in the story, it tore Cary apart to watch his younger sister in pain and so helpless. It likewise broke his heart that he could not do what had to be done to keep them all safe from harm. Thus, independent women like Wendy would be a novelty to Colt, whose perception of women would be more of the clinging and needy sort. In the same way, frail and fragile women like Nicole would disarm Colt’s defense and lead him to overcome his fear of women, who in the person of Nicole can seem to be such weak, dependent and powerless creatures in need of somebody like himself. The story is adroitly set with twists that all served to help the characters eventually face their fears and find themselves. Works Cited Dekker, Ted. Skin. Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc. 2007.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Good Wives, Nasty Wenches, and Anxious Patriarchs: Gender, Race, and P

Gender, Race, and Power in Colonial Virginia In Colonial Virginia in 1661, Rebecca Nobles was sentenced to ten lashes for bearing an illegitimate child. Had she been an indentured servant she would also have been ordered to serve her master an additional two years to repay his losses incurred during her pregnancy. After 1662, had she been an enslaved African woman she would not have been prosecuted, because in that year the Colonial government declared children born to slave women the property of their mother's master. A child born to a slave brought increased wealth, whereas the child of an indentured servant brought increased financial responsibility. This evolving legislation in Colonial Virginia reflected elite planter interests in controlling women's sexuality for economic gain. Race is also defined and manipulated to reinforce the authority and economic power of elite white men who enacted colonial legislation. As historian Kathleen M. Brown demonstrates in her book Good Wives, Nasty Wenches and Anxious Patriarchs, the concepts of gender and race intersect as colonial Virginians consolidated power and defined their society. Indeed, gender and race were integral to that goal. In particular, planter manipulations of social categories had a profound effect on the economic and political climate in Colonial Virginia. First, I want to establish that English settlers did not bring a concrete ideology of race to their new colony. As Brown explains, while English traders had contact with other peoples in Ireland and on the West African coast, the everyday English concept of race was very much abstract in the early seventeenth century. That is not to say that the English did not justify their domination of other peo... ...usion that race is deployed "in the construction of power relations."* Indeed a "metalanguage" of race, to use Higginbotham's term, was employed by colonial powers to define black women as separate from English women, and that process is deconstructed in Good Wives, Nasty Wenches, Anxious Patriarchs. However, Brown's analysis rests mainly on the shifting English concepts of gender and race imposed on colonial society by the white elite, becoming at times a metalanguage of colonial gender. Nonetheless, Brown's analysis of overlapping social constructions is instructive for understanding the ways gender and race can be manipulated to buttress dominant hierarchies. Works Cited: *Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham. "African American Women's History and the Metalanguage of Race" in Feminism and History, ed. Joan Wallach Scott (NY: Oxford University Press, 1996), 201.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Galileo Galilei :: Biography Biographies

Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei was born at Pisa on the 18th of February in 1564. His father, Vincenzo Galilei, belonged to a noble family and had gained some distinction as a musician and a mathematician. At an early age, Galileo manifested his ability to learn both mathematical and mechanical types of things, but his parents, wishing to turn him aside from studies which promised no substantial return, steered him toward some sort of medical profession. But this had no effect on Galileo. During his youth he was allowed to follow the path that he wished to. Although in the popular mind Galileo is remembered chiefly as an astronomer, however, the science of mechanics and dynamics pretty much owe their existence to his findings. Before he was twenty, observation of the oscillations of a swinging lamp in the cathedral of Pisa led him to the discovery of the isochronism of the pendulum, which theory he utilized fifty years later in the construction of an astronomical clock. In 1588, an essay on the center of gravity in solids obtained for him the title of the Archimedes of his time, and secured him a teaching spot in the University of Pisa. During the years immediately following, taking advantage of the celebrated leaning tower, he laid the foundation experimentally of the theory of falling bodies and demonstrated the falsity of the peripatetic maxim, which is that an objects rate of descent is proportional to its weight. When he challenged this it made all of the followers of Aristotle extremely angry, they would not except the fact that t heir leader could have been wrong. Galileo, in result of this and other troubles, found it prudent to quit Pisa and move to Florence, the original home of his family. In Florence he was nominated by the Venetian Senate in 1592 to the chair of mathematics in the University of Padua, which he occupied for eighteen years, with ever-increasing fame. After that he was appointed philosopher and mathematician to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. During the whole of this period, and to the close of his life, his investigation of Nature, in all her fields, was never stopped. Following up his experiments at Pisa with others upon inclined planes, Galileo established the laws of falling bodies as they are still formulated. He likewise demonstrated the laws of projectiles, and largely anticipated the laws of motion as finally established by Newton.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

McDonald’s and the McCafe Coffee Initiative Essay

Looking at McDonald’s Canada from a resource-based view (please refer to the appendix), I believe that McCafà © will succeed in Canada. McDonald’s has a plethora of valuable resources in its disposal. Among them, arguably the most important is brand equity. The â€Å"Golden Arches† are instantly recognizable to just about everyone in the planet, and that level of brand awareness will play a big part in McCafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s entry to Canada. Furthermore, McDonald’s, being a major player in the fast-food industry in Canada, has a considerable amount of cash and infrastructure. This ensures that McDonald’s will have the means to market and distribute McCafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s products respectively. Another valuable resource that McDonald’s has access to is its large network of competent franchisees. A large percentage of the McCafà ©s in Canada will be add-ons to currently existing McDonald’s restaurants. Therefore, McDonald’s can be assured that the management of the McCafà © initiative in the individual restaurants will meet the high standards that the corporation already imposes on their franchisees. Finally, McDonald’s already has a solid reputation in Canada for their fast-food service. A sound marketing strategy can help transfer this positive reputation to the McCafà © brand. McDonald’s faces stiff competition from several firms in the Canadian retail coffee industry. However, the McCafà © concept will carve out a unique competitive advantage for McDonald’s, setting it apart from its competitors. McCafà © combines the speedy service of Tim Horton’s with the comfortable atmosphere and sophisticated image of Starbucks. McDonald’s blends the â€Å"best of both worlds† and has the potential to take market share from both types of competitors. It will be in a different league all by itself. The major factor detracting from McCafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s success is McDonald’s poor reputation for coffee in Canada, as seen in the SWOT analysis (please refer to the  appendix). It is important to note that despite McDonald’s poor reputation for coffee, the coffee itself is made from premium ingredients (100% pure Arabica beans). For McDonald’s to succeed with the McCafà © initiative, reversing this negative image is absolutely crucial. Furthermore, coffee is a staple in modern Canadian breakfasts, so having a strong brand of coffee on the menu can help revitalize McDonald’s breakfast sales. McDonald’s poor reputation for coffee can very well be the reason for its recent loss of market share in the breakfast industry. Thankfully, the market for retail coffee in Canada is experiencing significant growth, so if McCafà © becomes popular, it can make a sizeable contribution to the company’s profits. McDonald’s must find a way to change the negative image of its coffee by using the resources available to the firm. In order to change the negative perception of its coffee in Canada, I recommend that McDonald’s give away free samples of the coffee for a limited time. Although McDonald’s will initially make no revenue from the coffee, it will give Canadian coffee consumers a convincing incentive to try it out and potentially â€Å"switch sides†. With the large number of store locations that McDonald’s has in Canada already, the free coffee will see wide-scale distribution, meaning that a large percentage of the nation’s population will be able to taste the coffee and judge it accordingly. Marketing this campaign is absolutely essential to its success. McDonald’s has used television advertisements to great effect in the past, and it should be no different for this campaign. Word-of-mouth communication will inevitably take place and more people will get a chance to taste the coffee. With all that being said, McDonald’s must implement measures to prevent customers from taking advantage of the free coffee. For example, it can limit the free coffee to the small cup size and implement a one-cup-per-customer rule. Furthermore, McDonald’s must set a precise time period for the campaign. Customers shouldn’t come into McDonald’s expecting free coffee after the campaign is over. Proper use of McDonald’s brand equity, cash and infrastructure is the key to the success of McCafà © in Canada. Although the McDonald’s brand is well known, it is important to note that the McCafà © brand is just beginning to grow in Canada. For this reason, I recommend that all McCafà © locations start off as extensions of existing McDonald’s restaurants rather than stand-alone restaurants. Once the McCafà © brand becomes popular enough in its own right  (likely after the free coffee campaign mentioned in the paragraph above), stand-alone McCafà ©s can be established. As of right now, taking the stand-alone route is much too risky. Finally, I recommend that all McDonald’s locations which will take on the McCafà © extension receive an upgrade to its interior design. Since McCafà © will be acting as a pseudo-competitor to sophisticated coffee retailers like Starbucks, design changes must be made to reflect the transformation. For example, bright colours like red and yellow must be replaced with warm, inviting colours like cream and mocha. Moreover, some of the standard four-seat tables should be replaced with sofas and loveseats. The addition of soft, contemporary music in the restaurant would also help in conveying the image of an upper-class coffeehouse. With my given recommendations, I strongly believe that McCafà © will be successful in Canada. If you have any questions regarding my report, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Sanger (Sung-Young) Yoo Appendices Resource Based View of McDonald’s Canada ResourceValuable?Rare?Inimitable?Substitutable? Tangible Assets CashXX Number of store locationsXX Strong managementX Strong franchiseesXX Existing product lineXX Global presence (121 countries)XX Intangible Assets Good reputation in fast-foodXX Depth of supply chainXX Brand equityXX Customer loyaltyXX Organizational Capacity Fast customer serviceX Product developmentXX Consistency of qualityX Appeal to all agesX SWOT Analysis of McDonald’s Canada (Regarding McCafà ©) StrengthsWeaknesses -Powerful supplier â€Å"partners† including Coca-Cola, Disney and Nestlà © -Good quality coffee (100% Arabica-brewed coffee) -Combines affordable coffee with sophisticated environment-Bad reputation for coffee -Declining market share in breakfast sales OpportunitiesThreats -Potential merger with another company (similar to Starbucks and Chapters) -Explosive growth in retail coffee consumption in Canada (Growing market for McCafà ©)-High levels of competition

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Career Exploration Essays - Marketing, Business, Product Marketing

Career Exploration Essays - Marketing, Business, Product Marketing Career Exploration Career Exploration BCOM/275 April 14, 2015 Quinton Murphy Career Path After setting my career goals in 1.1 of the Careers Exploration worksheet, I was not surprise to see my results. Before I decided to major in business I had originally major in marketing. My career path in the past had been in the marketing field and I knew that I wanted to stay close to that field as possible, but later changed my mind and decided against marketing but to broaden my path to business with emphasis on project management. My primary career goal came back as a Marketing Coordinator/Assistant. I was shocked. I changed my major to business, but my career goals suggest marketing. I dont see myself going back into this direction; because, I have set other goals for myself to eventually oversee multi-million dollar Government contract projects as a project manger. In the other possible career goals, project manger ranked 6th, with Market Analysis and Marketing Specialist ranking 2nd and 3rd while rank 4th and 5th were General Manager and Production Manager. It is really disappointing to see Marketing careers rank in the top three than that of any type of management career. But, maybe I can incorporate both marketing and project management together to suffice a better career fit for myself.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Dimensions to Political Thinking Human Equality, Power, and Order

Dimensions to Political Thinking Human Equality, Power, and Order The issues of equality and inequality between humans turn out to be very significant questions to deal with from many perspectives. The point is that the already existed differences in gender, race, social class, and age introduce a kind of boundary that has to define people and make them unequal to each other.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Dimensions to Political Thinking: Human Equality, Power, and Order specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are many authors who have already made or try to make numerous attempts to give a clear and comprehensive answer whether all human beings are unequal in essence, and one of the most prominent and captivating ideas are offered by the American writer Glenn Tinder in his Political Thinking. This author introduces a series of educative and illustrative examples of why the development of inequality between people is hard to prevent or avoid and why people cannot improv e their lives by means of destruction this inequality. Even more, he admits that human beings are unequal not only in customs and traditions but also in nature (Tinder, 1995). Human inequality is rooted in nature and is essence due to constant differentiations in numerous aspects like gender or race, and it is difficult to make people forget about these differences; what is more is that this inequality influence many other aspects of life like power and order which are also considered to be integral aspects of this life. To answer the question whether all human beings are unequal in essence, it is better to address the thoughts of sophisticated philosophers and thinkers who were able to represent powerful grounds for their ideas and suggestions. Tinder suggests to use the ideas of Aristotle and to realize how he saw people and their relations to each other. This philosopher admitted that human race is one of the most evident hierarchies according to which people became unequal to ea ch other: thinkers and scientists had to take the highest places and those, who believed they were able to perform services for other people, occupied the lowest stage. It proves that people divide themselves unconsciously into groups and develop all those inequalities independently. Another problem that the author touches in the work is the idea of the elite and its role in society. As it was mentioned above, thinkers and philosophers got a chance to take the leading role in the hierarchy of the society, this is why it was not a surprise that it was them who suggested to create one more group of people who would become better, more educative, more influential, and more important in this life. The development of the self-chosen elite was inherent to different periods of time, and each period was characterized by its elite those representatives set new rules and meet new demands. This creation of elites may serve as one more evidence that human inequality is something that is difficu lt to avoid because people themselves promoted this development.Advertising Looking for critical writing on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, there is one more captivating question to deal with. Can it be that human inequality is also able to define the ideas of liberty? Is it true that if people are not equal they lose their freedoms? To answer these questions, Glenn Tinder reminds his readers the ideas of French Revolution and people’s desire to become free and equal. French people believed that liberty and equality had to go together because inequality happens because of someone’s lack of liberty. This is why it is hard to define what kind of conflict may happen between liberty and equality. Tinder (1995) says that in modern life, people have to â€Å"give up one thing†¦ in order to gain something else† (p. 79). So it is natural that people cannot have everythin g at once. In his work, Tinder also pays much attention to the ideas of order and power that become evident after the discussions of equality and inequality are cleared up. â€Å"Power may be used to separate human beings and to bring them together†¦ may support inequality†¦may support equality† (Tinder, 1995, p. 103). Some writers and thinkers truly believe that power is the only means that maintains order. On the one hand, this idea is quite clear and comprehensible because power has to be considered as the only effective source of social order. When inequality promotes the development of power, people get a chance to realize who may achieve power, why a certain group may achieve this power, and what can be done to save this power in the same hands. But still though power is the most effective source of order, it is not the only one. Tinder (1995) defines several more sources that have a close connection to the development of the social order: human nature (in cas e people are good in nature), harmony of interests (if order is a spontaneous issue), and human traditions and customs (if people want to appreciate their past and consider the will of their ancestors). As it is observed, natural power as well as harmony of nature may be regarded as integral sources of order. However, each of them cannot work if there is no power. â€Å"Social order cannot be maintained without any use whatever of power yet it is not dependent entirely on power† (Tinder, 1995, p. 107). This is why all the above-mentioned sources have to be connected to this source that plays a crucial role in social life and order development. Many people cannot give one concrete answer to the question how to achieve power. Though power possessing is honorable, many people suffer because of inability to get this power. This is why it is not strange to observe the development of one more question: if there is some kind of legitimate power? If yes, who may have this power? The answer is almost evident: it is the â€Å"divine right of kings† (Tinder, 1995, p. 124).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Dimensions to Political Thinking: Human Equality, Power, and Order specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Those people who are born to be kings have the right to possess power and be unequal in comparison to the others. However, it is not always easy to follow the necessary order, and it is necessary for the kings to maintain further classifications between people and choose those who can help to keep the necessary order and develop power. In general, such ideas like equality, inequality, power, and order are closely connected to each other. Glenn Tinder represents a clear picture of people should comprehend their power and desire to keep the order, their rights and inability to avoid inequality. The point is that all people are unequal by nature; they made a decision to develop inequa lity many years ago and to make only separate groups of people being able to possess power. Is it possible to destroy this inequality? Hardly! Absence of inequality creates considerable challenges in power establishment, lack of power leads to inabilities to keep the order, and absence of order put under a threat peaceful existence of people. Reference List Tinder, G. E. (1995). Political Thinking: The Perennial Questions. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write a Book About Your Life 10 Easy Steps to Tell Your Story

How to Write a Book About Your Life 10 Easy Steps to Tell Your Story How to Write a Book About Your Life: 10 Easy Steps to Tell Your Story Do you have an amazing life story you want to know how to write your life story, whether its just for you or so others can learn from you?Writing your life story is a bit of a different process from writing a novel or even writing about someone else.This is your story; rather than developing characters for a made-up story, it’s your personal life you are sharing with readers.It’s a very vulnerable- and worthwhile- form of writing.If you have an incredible true story to tell about your life but aren’t sure where to start on how to write your life story, we can help.Here are the steps for writing a book about your life:Start by journaling or free-writingOutline and organize your notesPick a nonfiction genre to write inResearch for accuracyIdentify characters and perspectiveAdd speculationDetermine the settingRemember the dialoguePrepare for negative pushbackCommit to finishingNOTE: If youre ready to start writing about your lifeand publish your influential story, c heck out our VIP Self-Publishing Program where weve helped thousands do the same, successfully. Learn more about it hereWhy Write a Story About Your LifeMany people think they need to do something massive or be famous in order to write about their livesThats not true at all.In fact, more people can relate to regular, non-famous people and their struggles than they can those who have been in the limelight.The reason writing about your life is important is because you have a story. You have something worth sharing that can actually change the lives of others through your trials and tribulations.Even if youre not ready to write a memoir, you still have something valuable to share- knowledge gained through the years or maybe you just experienced a short, influential event in your life that you believe can help other.No matter what that story is, you can and you should tell it. How to Write a Book About Your Life in 10 Simple StepsSo youve discovered you have something to share with the worldbut what you dont know is how the heck to make it happen.Here are our top tips for writing your life story.#1 Journaling and Free-writingTake a few minutes to free write or journal each day, focusing on one memory. A good writing prompt for this free-write session is to write about a significant 24 hours in your life. This is just to help you get started. The memories written down from this significant moment in your life will be use later to build upon to create your nonfiction narrative.Even if you don’t ultimately use this particular memory in your overall narrative, getting into the habit of writing down memories will benefit you as a writer and help keep those memories fresh.Still feeling stuck? Explore using a nonfiction writing prompt to help you get started.#2 Outline and organizeAfter you’ve written down a variety of memories- whether they’re a part of an overall narrative or a collection of essays- they now need to be organized into a coherent s tory in order to actually write it.Since you’re writing your life story, technically the plotline is already there; it just has to be written down and organized in a manner that will speak to your audience.However, if you are the more organized type and not a â€Å"pantster† like other writers, outlining what memories you want to include in your life story may help get the writing juices flowing.Not only can an outline help you get clear on the message and order youll write your book, it can also help you form writing goals that will set up a writing habit. These are two keys to actually finishing your book.Other writers struggle with writing unless they have an outline or book template, even if it’s a book outline of their own life. It all depends on you, the writer.We have a great video detailing how to outline a book you can check out right here to find a method that works best for you: #3 Pick your genreâ€Å"Creative nonï ¬ ction has become the most pop ular genre in the literary and publishing communities.† Lee Gutkind, What is Creative Nonfiction?There are several book genres that fall under the nonfiction genre: memoirs, essay collections, autobiographies, motivational books, and more.Since you are writing a book about your life, it might feel like you have to put it in the memoir genre, but thats not always the case.In fact, it might hurt your book sales to mislabel your book as a memoir when its actually more of a self-help in a specific category.An example of this is While We Slept by our own coach here at Self-Publishing School, Marcy Pusey.While this author does label this book as a memoir, it also fits in several other categories. These Amazon categories will help you 1) reach a wider audience and 2) help you tell the story in a way that will speak to those readers.If youre struggling to decide whether your book about your life is a memoir or autobiography, this can help:The main difference between memoirs and autob iographies are their focus. Memoirs focus primarily on one specific time, or â€Å"memory† of one’s life, like a battle with a disease, traveling to a foreign country, or adopting a special pet.Autobiographies, or â€Å"biographies of oneself,† focus primarily on your entire life from start to finish- from when you were born until you die, or at least until the current moment in your life with details about achievements or notable moments.Autobiographies also tend to be a bit more factual than creative, though there have been some very well written autobiographies published.What if neither of these makes sense for my book about my life?Maybe you don’t have a specific period in you want to focus on, but don’t necessarily want to tell your entire life story from start to finish. This is where a collection of personal and/or lyrical essays may be more of your style.Think Mindy Kaling’s Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? and Why Not Me? Kaling is still telling her life story, or at least memorable moments in her life story, without necessarily being one complete narrative. Collections of personal essays are like the nonfiction version of a collection of short stories.If you are still uncertain about which nonfiction subgenre to write your life story in, this is a major topic covered in the Self-Publishing School VIP course. They take you through choosing your categories that will help your book sell the most.#4 ResearchRegardless of how you begin writing your life story- with free-writing or outlining- research can help you build on memories to create a fuller story and establish you as a credible writer.Memories are fickle, and we don’t always remember things correctly, especially if you are writing about something that happened many years ago.Researching for a book can seem like a daunting task. In fact, out of all the research you’ll end up doing, only a very small percentage will end up in your story. I n order to find that small percentage, however, you need to do your research.Here are some tips for book research when writing a book about your life:List memories or facts youre not 100% certain aboutAsk family members or others close to you for detailsGet quotes from those people if necessaryWhen writing and you come across something you need to research, simply make a note to research and keep writing so you can write faster#5 Identify characters and perspectiveThe people you have met in your life influenced you in some way, and as such, they will influence how you write your life story as well.Here are some tips to organize these characters for your story:Make a list of people, also known as characters in this case, who you want to include in your storyWrite down their description: physical appearance, age, background,Write down their relationship to you (and if youre close or distant to them)Check out this character bio template from to help flesh these deta ils outThis will assist you in describing them in your narrative through the rule of show dont tell, that way readers can visualize them and understand how they affected your life personally.The only thing you may have to alter is a character’s real name, or names. Changing names can protect a person’s true identity in their story. Unless you have permission to use someone’s true name, change it and include a disclaimer at the beginning of your story. Make a note in your character list of names you change, that way you can keep track of who’s who.Also, just because this is your life story- so technically, it’s told from your point-of-view- doesn’t mean you can’t explore the perspectives of the other characters in your story.Keeping other character’s point-of-view in mind will give your story more dimension, and will help you to avoid a one-sided, train-of-thought narrative.#6 Add speculationUse speculation to fill in gaps in y our life story. Not sure if one of your character’s motivations? Is your memory of the event a bit foggy? Using what you already know, combined with the research you’ve conducted, speculate to the best of your ability.Here is an example of writing speculation:I am not sure why my parents chose to end their marriage after 15 years together. They were always private people, and after their brief announcement to me about their separation, neither of them spoke a word to me about it ever again. Perhaps they were trying to spare me the heartache of the ordeal. I often wonder if my fathers time in the service made him distant from mother; that was the case with me. Maybe my mother, like me, became lonely as a result of that.Words and phrases like perhaps, maybe, and I wonder if show your reader that you, the narrator, are speculating.Try to find creative ways to speculate, as well. You are, in a sense, still telling a true story; youre using what you know to create a hypothe sis about something that is still a mystery to you.If you were to claim this hypothesis were true without facts to back it up, you could get end up in trouble.#7 Determine the settingReaders want to know where your life story took place, or the setting. Like fiction, you need to consider how the setting of this story affected you as a person.Here are some questions to help you discover the setting of your book:Where was this place?What did it look like?Did you enjoy living/visiting there?Do you remember any smells from the area?What was the culture like there?Were you a spectator of that culture or immersed in it?How did the setting contribute to your experience?What mood did that setting elicit?Details like these affected your life tremendously- maybe more than you realize- and therefore must be included in your narrative, just as they would be if this was a fictional story.Not only that, but this helps paint a much clearer picture for your readers and creates a more entertaining experience.#8 Remember the dialogueEven if youre writing a nonfiction book, the dialogue is still crucial.When you forget to write dialoguethe book can end up reading like a very boring textbook.Dialogue is what gives the writing- and the story itself- life.But that leaves the challenge of writing accurate dialogue. Unless you used a tape recorder or video to record a conversation, chances are you’re not going to recall previous conversations word-for-word.Just write down what you remember to the best of your ability, and paraphrase if you must. If you are still on good terms with the person you’re speaking within your memory, try contacting them to be sure that their memory of the conversation is similar to yours. You can even ask them to approve any written dialogue thats in quotes if its not 100% accurate to what was really said.Write dialogue the same way it would be used in a fiction book and remember to use correct dialogue formatting and tags.#9 Prepare for ne gative pushbackNot all of us have sweet stories with cute pets. Sometimes our memories and experiences are on the dark side- for example, The Kiss by Kathryn Harrison.This memoir focuses on the time in the author’s life where she has a sexual (and incestuous) relationship with her father. She received a huge amount of negative reactions to her story.If you are going to write and publish a personal and scandalous true story about your life, steel yourself for these kinds of negative reactions, particularly from those in your life unhappy with you telling the story to begin with.Something this is just a part of becoming an author.Nonfiction writing that isn’t dark in nature is still liable of receiving negative feedback from those who appear in the story, even if their names are changed.Some people may react simply because they were written in the story at all.#10 Commit to finishing your book!Your story can only get out into the world if you commit to not only finishin g your first draft, but publishing your book.If youre ready to commit right now, we have a FREE training to help you through the next (and often most difficult) steps.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Slavery in American and the Declaration of Independence Essay

Slavery in American and the Declaration of Independence - Essay Example The promise found in the Declaration of Independence that are men are created equal must today be viewed with the caveat that those who conferred legitimacy it was convinced that blacks held no claim to the same rights as whites and so there was no necessity to qualify the promise of universal equality within the document. The draft of the Declaration of Independence that was handed over by Jefferson, Adams, and Benjamin Franklin go the Continental Congress for approval originally contained a quite long passage directly calling to question the very institution of slavery. "He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither" (Higginbotham 381). This passage is not to be found on the official Declaration, of course, because representatives to the Conti nental Congress from the southern slaveholding states quickly colluded to express objection to its potential harm to their economic interests once the shackles of British rule had been successfully thrown off. In the final version of the Declaration, references to the institution of slavery are still expressed, but only in a manner that specifically accuses the British of inciting the slaves to revolt against their owners. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and most of the members of the Continental Congress had historically expressed in no uncertain terms before it came to write a declaration for independence based on the radical concept that all men were created equal their belief that a righteous difference existed between the rights of whites and the rights of blacks. John Adams went so far as to write the God Himself has "never intended the American colonists 'for Negroes and therefore never intended us for slaves" (Breen 202). When the phrase "all men are created equal" is found in the Declaration, therefore, it is actually is truer than it may at first glance appear. The intention of the Declaration of Independence was to spur not blacks to fight for independence and equality, but for whites to fight for the suspension of the class rule that had dominated European civilization for centuries. Jefferson and the other founding fathers did not write or approve the Declaration as a means to give hope to slaves that the American Revolution was going to bring them freedom, or that it would endow freed blacks with anything even approaching equality. Jefferson's incitement of the proposition that all men are created equal was at the time sheer propaganda directed specifically toward white colonists whom the revolutionaries needed to buy the idea that business as usual in Europe for millennia was not the future of the coming new country. Jefferson's use of the words "all men are created equal" can actually be seen more a threat to the grounded ideals of the aristocrac y.

Friday, October 18, 2019

ETH501, Business Ethics, Mod 3 Case Assignment Essay

ETH501, Business Ethics, Mod 3 Case Assignment - Essay Example This means that workers will not be treated according to their skills or their performance but on the basis of the genes that they are bestowed with. This kind of practice is unethical as it does not treat workers according to the merit but on the basis of the factors over which the workers have no control. It may ultimately lead unrest among the work place and workplace violence may increase as a result of genetic testing. By knowing their genetic capabilities, people will pair them with those who have similar genetic system and will feel angered and aggravated towards people who have different set of genes. This is again unethical because people will be hired, fired and promoted on the basis of their genes and not on the basis of their performance or merit. If we look at it in a broader perspective, we can conclude that since people will be hired on the basis of their genes and not on the basis of their aptitude, their work is less likely to be as efficient as those selected on mer it. Now, we can link it with the ethics of efficient resource usage and can easily conclude that due to incompetent people being hired due to discrimination on the basis of genes, the output of the firm using the specified amount of resources will be less than if people would have been hired on the basis of their competencies and merit. As a result, the firm will make a lesser profit than they should make, the world will get a lesser output than what it should have and in general the whole will suffer as a result of discriminatory practices. This discrimination can also be linked to another very important ethical framework of deontology to conclude that workplace discrimination is bad in all cases. Deontology principle states that regardless of the outcomes, the wrong thing is always wrong. This means that if we commit wrong deed but the reward of these deeds is positive, even in such cases, the wrong actions should not be undertake. Suppose, that you

Organization of IT and information systems (Amazon company) Essay

Organization of IT and information systems (Amazon company) - Essay Example Computers, servers, and data management systems are some of the key components of an IT department. These components perform various complex functions related to management of information. IT department of a company plays a critical role in the success of the company in the 21st century. Today, there is hardly any company or organization, which does not make use of information technology for managing data and information in an organized way. Amazon is one of the leading global internet companies of the world. It is a platform for the sale of different kinds of products such as books, toys, furniture, and music CDs. Amazon holds the pride of being the largest retailer of America. Amazon Company was launched online by Jeff Bezos in 1995. Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2 are those products, which have contributed significantly to the success of the company. Farmer (2008) asserts, â€Å"Their core competency is their ability to develop and leverage their technology stack, including SimpleDB, EC2, and S3, towards making retail ultra-efficient†. Amazon Company has many competitors who are trying to snatch the market domination from Amazon but none of the competing companies has been successful in the purpose yet. Some of the major competitors of Amazon include Elastra, eMusic, and It is due to the implementation of an effective and efficient management information system that the company has achieved market dominati on in a very short span of time leaving behind all of its competitors. At present, Amazon is recognized as one of the largest online shopping companies of the world. In the later part of this report, we will discuss those factors that are driving use of the information system in the company. We will also analyze the impact of information system on the company in terms of benefits and limitations. Let us first get to know what management information system actually is in order to get a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Can Freelancers form themselves into a union and successfully seek Research Paper - 1

Can Freelancers form themselves into a union and successfully seek formal recognition via the rules speled out in the National L - Research Paper Example Dissimilar to other unions, freelancers unions are somewhat innovative and are more like expert trade organizations. Be that as it may, they may play a significant function in one’s professional life by proposing certain benefits. The major aim of the National Labor Relation Act is to characterize and defend the privileges of workers and employers, to boost collective bargaining, and to eradicate some of the performances on the part of work and administration that are hurtful to the general welfare ( Similarly, when creating a union for freelancers, one of the large-scale challenges, or obstacles, in employed individually is the need of wellbeing care options. By evolving a constituent of an amalgamation, or other kind of expert membership-based association, one habitually has the opening to buy wellbeing protection at a cheaper rate (i.e. at a group rate). Not only does a freelancer union provide good deals on monthly charges and lesser deductibles, but on e may furthermore gain the proficiency to select from more than one kind of healthcare program.

Critical Reflection and Self-Evaluation in the Context of Systems Essay

Critical Reflection and Self-Evaluation in the Context of Systems Thinking - Essay Example It is due to the rapid changes to organizations that organizations have to readjust to the inevitable changes to cope in a highly chining environment such as the one involved in event management. Event planning changes affect the IS project outcomes in the in such a project and it is not until shortcomings are indentified in event planning that portrays a need to reassess and reevaluate the IS are taken appropriately. This brought about the concept of soft system thinking and hard thinking in the â€Å"Bear-Wear† event coaching group. Hard systems regard to situations that human behaviors perceived to play minimal roles though there are many people involved in the system ( Waring, 1996). Hard systems in this case referred to tools, machines and to other equipment that were used in the project, which were quantifiable, predictable, and those that were relatively undisputable. Hard systems as Checkland & Holwell (1997) explain included the natural systems. Natural systems are th ose that are not manmade, which include the biological systems, weather, volcanoes and other natural phenomena. Logistics and ticketing are susceptible to interruptions as a result of the hard systems such as weather and disruptions of the equipment. This was taken care of in risk awareness. On the other hand, soft systems refer to those systems that involved the team members’ behaviors and beliefs. Human beings are unpredictable in most cases in the physical aspect and the way they think. Soft systems refer to the beliefs, attitudes, behavior values, opinions that describe each of the team members. Checkland & Scholes (1999) explain that soft system methodology is intended for use in situation that exhibit crisis, uncertainty, conflict or unease in relationship among the human actors. In the event hosting and management, different opinions and personality will surface in the team or from the clients. Advocating for creative thinking and providing coaching and counseling serv ices to Grad Com and anyone involved will enable the team work to work harmoniously. Gesellschaft & Gemeinsschaft, which relates to sociality maintained by instrumental goals of participating individuals vs. the inherent connectedness of participating individuals (Kitayama & Cohen, 2010) were two major views that would guide in implementing operations in the event planning, management and counselling services. Soft approach related to information in attribution of meanings and sense making and would utilize interpretative actions as the modes of managing environment around project members (Auyang, 1998). Since organisations and the IS are mutually dependent on one another, they both affect each other proportionately to make an organisation environment. Soft System thinking application Systems thinking concept was first applied to real world problems as early as 1970s and 80s. The design of system thinking was as a result of indentifying that problems were mainly caused as a result o f the analyst’s inability to indentify describe objectives amongst the other, in an environment with numerous conflicting and ambitious alternatives (Auyang, 1998). System analysts therefore led leaders and other analysts to design and construct models that could be used by analysts as devices that would help in structuring questioning procedures to address

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Can Freelancers form themselves into a union and successfully seek Research Paper - 1

Can Freelancers form themselves into a union and successfully seek formal recognition via the rules speled out in the National L - Research Paper Example Dissimilar to other unions, freelancers unions are somewhat innovative and are more like expert trade organizations. Be that as it may, they may play a significant function in one’s professional life by proposing certain benefits. The major aim of the National Labor Relation Act is to characterize and defend the privileges of workers and employers, to boost collective bargaining, and to eradicate some of the performances on the part of work and administration that are hurtful to the general welfare ( Similarly, when creating a union for freelancers, one of the large-scale challenges, or obstacles, in employed individually is the need of wellbeing care options. By evolving a constituent of an amalgamation, or other kind of expert membership-based association, one habitually has the opening to buy wellbeing protection at a cheaper rate (i.e. at a group rate). Not only does a freelancer union provide good deals on monthly charges and lesser deductibles, but on e may furthermore gain the proficiency to select from more than one kind of healthcare program.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Response to an article on alcoholism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Response to an article on alcoholism - Essay Example Dowshen (2009) suggests that alcohol acts as a depressant because it slows down the functioning of the central nervous system by obstructing or blocking messages that are communicated to the brain. This blockage has the effect of altering perceptions, emotions, and vision, movement and hearing abilities of an individual. Although Dowshen argues that alcohol when taken in small quantities helps a person to have a feeling of relaxation and less anxiety, when taken in huge amounts it causes big changes in the brain that results in intoxification. This is whereby a person, who has over consumed alcohol staggers, loses coordination and is slur in speech with a probability of being confused and disoriented. The person might think that they are okay but they may not be because they might be slow in reaction and out of their character. In addition, when alcohol is consumed in a short period in huge amounts, it can result to poisoning commonly referred to as alcohol poisoning. In this stage, the body is poisoned by alcohol such that it is induced to vomit, sleepiness, breathing difficulties, low blood sugar, seizures and unconsciousness. Zieve et al describes alcoholism as when an individual has or shows â€Å"signs of physical addiction to alcohol and continues to drink despite physical and mental health threats and social problems or job responsibilities† (2). Research worldwide indicates that alcoholism is the most prevalent psychiatric disorder in the society today. Alcohol addiction therefore occurs when a person’s body becomes dependent on alcohol and the body builds tolerance to alcohol, which results, to the person taking a larger dose of alcohol than before, to get the same effect. A person who is addicted to alcohol is therefore referred to as an alcoholic and therefore, alcoholism is the disease of alcohol addiction and it is chronic. The article

Casing Research Essay Example for Free

Casing Research Essay PLYWOOD Plywood is a manufactured board. It is used to case speakers. Birch-faced ply is a light coloured, high-quality plywood that colour-stains and varnishes easily. CHIPBOARD Chipboard is also a manufactured board. It is cheap and will not warp or curl. Chipboard comes in two forms, plain and woodgrain, both of which are usually coated in plastic foil or veneered to improve the finish and looks. MDF MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) is another manufactured board. It used to fabricate boxes, and close-textured MDF is cut and sanded to make moulds for vacuum forming plastics. MDF must be glued using PVA carefully and precisely, and requires coating with paint many times to give a good finish, as it absorbs liquids readily. Mild Steel Mild steel can be found in many different forms. Sheet steel, for example, is made into casings and a variety of brackets an fixings. Bright drawn steel is made into round, square, tubular, angled and flat bar versions. Mild steel can be cut and shape into components that are to be permanently fixed to the product. This is done by welding, brazing and using silver solder. Aluminium Aluminium is a light metal in its elemental form. It comes in sheet, bright drawn and mild forms (similar to steel) and can be cast. If a strong lightweight product is needed, aluminium is the only choice. Aluminium can be joined using nuts and bolts, rivets or epoxy resin glue. Aluminium also is superior, in terms of lifespan, to steel because it has an outer layer of aluminium oxide that prevents it from corroding for a long time. Casing Research There are many types of plastics used and many forms of manufacture used to construct both industrial and small-scale casings. The two most relevant to my project are acrylics and polystyrene. ACRYLIC Acrylic is a rigid, strong and smooth-looking plastic. It comes in many colours and forms (e.g. Cast Acrylic). It is durable (10 times the impact resistance of glass), and therefore suitable for outdoor use. Acrylics non-toxic properties make it safe to be used with food or made into a toy; however, in the unlikely event that it is broken, it will splinter and expose sharp points. Acrylic becomes malleable when heated and can be easily machined. It is also possible to cement pieces of acrylic together using methylene chloride glue. When polished, acrylic must be handled carefully as its surface dents and scratches easily. POLYSTYRENE Polystyrene comes in many forms. One such form is a thin sheet of polystyrene that is used in vacuum forming machines to fabricate a casing. It has a low melting point and is fairly weak, but unlike acrylic it is not brittle. Polystyrene is also an excellent insulator, minimising any chance of electrocution by the product. It can be cut and assembled rapidly, but it takes time, precision care and effort to manufacture a quality product casing. Plastic casings can be made in a variety of ways. Injection moulding is the most common method of manufacturing casings in industry. The machine makes a casing in three stages: Step 1: The mould is warmed and the thermoplastic substance is placed in the heating chamber. Step 2: The thermoplastic is melted and then pushed into the mould by the plunger, which maintains the pressure for a set dwell time to prevent shrunk or hollow products from being formed by stopping any molten plastic from returning to the chamber. Step 3: When the plastic has solidified, it is removed from the mould by hand or by a mechanism built in the machine (this is more likely to be found in industry). Casing Research Vacuum forming is more likely to be used on a smaller scale (e.g. in schools) to produce casings, but is used in industry to make egg boxes and food containers. There is a range of vac. forming machines, but every one works from the same principle and is designed to: 1. Seal a plastic sheet on to the vac. chamber. 2. Heat the plastic sheet. 3. Create a vacuum so air pressure presses the heated plastic over the mould. The vac. forming process occurs like so: Step 1 The plastic sheet is clamed on top of the machine, resting on the heat resistant silicone rubber pads, after the mould of the desired shape has been placed on the raising platform inside the machine. Step 2 A heating element is pulled across the top of the plastic sheet, heating it until it crinkles, then becomes taught again. Step 3 The platform is raised, and the mould is pushed into the plastic. Step 4 The air is then pumped out of the chamber, and air pressure (now greater than inside the machine) presses the sheet over the mould. Step 5 The sheet is removed from the machine (assisted using a taper, which angles all vertical sides of the casing). Excess plastic is trimmed from the casing. The mould is usually constructed from layers of MDF. It is solid because air pressure given no resistance can crush hollow moulds. If the mould is too far down, webbing (plastic sticking together in corners) occurs, not leaving enough plastic to give a full coating on the mould. The mould is smoothed to avoid bumps and lines on the casing. Air pockets are prevented by drilling holes in the mould, allowing excess air to flow into the vacuum.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Developing Gross And Fine Motor Skills Young People Essay

Developing Gross And Fine Motor Skills Young People Essay The role of the preschool in the development of a child is very important. Preschool education provides basic literacy to prepare children for higher levels of study. It also gives training to prepare them for the challenges of life. In particular, it is in the preschool that children learn and improve their motor skills. Teachers play a significant factor in developing and refining these skills. Also, the school is expected to provide enough opportunities and tools for harnessing such skills. In this paper, we discuss the role of the teacher and the school in developing gross and fine motor skills of young children. Gross motor are broad movements that involve large muscle groups (Mauro, n.d.) while fine motor are movements produced by the bodys small muscle groups. Gross motor activities include walking, jumping, kicking, crawling, climbing stairs, etc. Meanwhile, fine motor skills include writing, drawing, cutting or folding paper, etc. Both require coordination of the body functions such as the brain, eyes, and the muscle responsible to produce the movement (i.e., hand muscles for writing). Inability to perform motor tasks with precision may mean a disability. Therefore, it is important to observe the child closely when undertaking activities requiring motor skills. As a child grows, certain motor abilities develop. For instance, a two-year old child holds a pen differently from a three or four-year old child. Likewise, a toddler may be unable to hold onto monkey bars while a seven-year old may find it easy to do so. Still, a nursery child will draw a human figure with incomplete features, while a kindergarten who is aware of the body parts may be able to produce a better representation of the actual figure. Given this, it is important to help develop the motor development of a child to avoid delays and identify disability in advance, if any. Particularly, teachers in the preschool should provide activities to make children develop the right skills they need to perform bigger tasks in the future. These activities should include both gross and fine motor activities. Arnheim Pestolesi (1978) provide indicators of average motor development in children 48 months to five years. These indicators imply that with only a four-month difference, normal children can develop additional gross motor abilities. For example, a two-year old child can hop two times on one foot while a child four months older can hop four times on one foot. Likewise, a three-year old child can jump from a small step with both feet while a two-year old can do so but with asynchronous feet. In terms of fine motor skills, children show development in fine motor as they age. Particularly in writing, toddlers and children out of school exhibit the so-called supinate grasp with the fist holding the pen while nursery students may have the pronate grasp with the pen between the middle and ring fingers. Meanwhile, a kindergarten student may show the dynamic tripod, which is the way most people, even adults, hold a pen. Considering this, it is important for every teacher to provide activit ies and monitor students motor skills, because a delay in fine motor could mean a disability. Several activities should be included in the pre-school curriculum to enhance gross and fine motor skills. For gross motor skills, school activities could include hopping, jumping, walking, running, kicking, skipping, crawling, rolling, pushing and pulling and catching. Holecko (n.d.) suggest freestyle activities or dancing to the tune of childrens songs such as Im a Little Teapot or Wheels on a Bus. Aside from improving gross motor, these activities bring an atmosphere of fun and camaraderie among children. Moreover, playing games that involve gross motor activities also brings excitement and makes children develop sportsmanship. Furthermore, pretend plays such as imitating movements of animals, things and people allow students to exhibit gross motor, and creativity. Meanwhile, fine motor ability, which includes writing, drawing, sculpting, tying knots, folding and cutting paper, etc should likewise be given proper attention in the pre-school curriculum. Learners who exhibit inability in such activities should be noted and subject to further observation by the teacher and if possible, by the counselor. Children found to have evidence of disability in either gross or motor skills should be referred at once to the relevant authority for proper intervention. Considering this, it is important to know some standards set as regards developing motor skills in the pre-school classroom. The National Network for Child Care, a private organization, has developed the Early Childhood Education Rating Scale, otherwise known as ECERS (Harms Clifford, 1980). This is a set of standards which includes important requirements to look for in a preschool, including space and furnishings, personal care routines, listening and talking, program structure, etc. This scale provides relevant information to both administrators and parents on what to look for in a preschool in as much as developing motor skills is concerned. In particular, it specifies the tools and equipment needed to enhance fine and gross motor skills. A highly equipped pre-school will likely develop motor skills more comprehensively than an unprepared environment. Therefore, it is important to note which tools and equipment should be present in a pre-school. The tools and instruments that ECERS recommends to develop gross motor ability include building blocks, sand and water boxes, balls, and playground equipment. All these should vary in colors to make them look attractive. They should also come in different sizes to provide allowance for improvement of skills. For example, younger children can play with smaller balls and put up lesser number of building blocks while bigger children can do otherwise. In any case, the school should provide a variety of resources for different kinds of children. For developing fine motor skills, schools should ensure they cover for the childs needs to practice fine motor and hand-eye coordination. Activities such as clay-molding, writing, drawing, playing simple musical instruments, and tying a knot are only some of the activities that help improve fine motor skills. Relevantly, writing, drawing and musical instruments, clay, and utensils should also be in place. Importantly, the preschool program should include the proper use of utensils when eating. As schools serve as the second home, so they should learn the proper way of holding utensils for eating. The development a childs motor skills may come naturally. It can occur even without the teachers intervention. Nevertheless, the pre-school teachers and school programs play a major role in harnessing and refining these skills. Teachers serve as the guide to check whether children are exhibiting safe and proper motor practice. They are also the record keeper to the childs progress or disability. Meanwhile, pre-school programs and tools also help enrich the childs motor skills by aiding practice of such skills. Together, these factors harness childrens ability to perform functions, thus preparing them for greater challenges in the primary level and later in the adult life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities- A Historical fiction Essays -- English Literatur

A Tale of Two Cities- A Historical fiction A Tale of Two Cities is a novel categorized as historical fiction. Historical fiction is a composite material, with a portion of history embedded in a matrix of fiction. A Tale of Two Cities is appropriately titled, as the novel is the story of England and Revolutionary France; as a result it can be categorized as historical fiction. A Tale of Two Cities is parallel to history in many different respects. The English setting, and atmosphere, is similarly portrayed, as it actually existed in the seventeenth century. In the novel, Dickens goes into more detail about Revolutionary France in history with regards to setting, politics and the social structure, as well as the events, which occurred during the revolution. Dickens may not have been totally accurate with his historical information, but he vividly portrays the atmosphere of England and France during this period. The French Revolution, by Carlyle, was the main source of Dickens’ information for his novel with the two settings, London and Paris. Adopting Carlyle’s philosophy of history, Dickens created A Tale of Two Cities with a tightly structured plot, developed through a series of amazingly detailed and vivid pictures. The English setting of A Tale of Two Cities is very realistic with respect to the time period. Dickens starts the story by describing the atmosphere in England by illustrating the poverty and the economic situation. It is a tale, which tells of life in two cities and the dreadful happenings, which link them together (Osbourn 3). It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, was the epoc of belief, it was the epoc of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only" (Dickens 35). In England it was the dawn of the industrial revolution, and for the growing middle class it was the best of times. For the poor, it was the worst of times because illiteracy and unemployment... ...ctorian inhabitants of what may happen if England did not make the necessary economic, judicial and political reforms. He warned them that if they did not change their ways, a revolution might occur, like it did in France. Since aspects of setting and events are accurate in history, A Tale of Two Cities can therefore be described as historical fiction. Bibliography Dickens, Charles and George Woodcock. A Tale of Two Cities. England, 1859. Davis, Earle. The Flint and the Flame: The Artistry of Charles Dickens. Columbia:Universtiy of Missouri Press, 1963. (pages 247-248) Osbourn, Barbara. Critical Commentary on A Tale of Two Cities. University of London Press, 1957 Orwell, George. Charles Dickens. Running Press, 1986, 1992. WWW Sites (World Wide Web) â€Å"Victorian Images of the French Revolution† METU British Novelists Seminar in Ankara, Turkey. March 1998. â€Å"The Dickens Page.† Nagoya University. September 1995. â€Å"Classic Notes on Tale of Two Cities.† 1999-2000.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Home School V Public School

For years, there has been debate over home schooling and public schooling: therefore, I will compare and contrast classroom ratio, environment, and social skills of the children. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to both home schooling and public schooling. The following essay will compare and contrast many of these reasons. Every parent should consider all of the advantages and disadvantages when deciding on the education of their children and where they will receive it. Similar essay: Boarding Schools Should Be AbolishedAs a parent, one of the hardest decisions you will have to make is having to know how your children will get their education, and where they are going to receive it. Between home schooling and public schooling, there are many advantages and disadvantages a parent must think of before deciding where to send their children. Parents must decide on what they and their children would prefer and what would work best for their household and their lifestyle. There are some benefits to home schooling, but the disadvantages may surpass the benefits, which in turn, could prove very harmful to the child.Being home schooled tends to hurt ones social development, because they are able to hide from the chaos, pressures, and stress of life. By not being in a public school, they are separated from society and their peers. Being in public school, you have a chance of more opportunities, such as riding the school bus. My three year old daughter is in p reschool, and riding the bus is one thing she looks forward to every day. Being home schooled means you are always stuck at home with just your parents. This hinders a persons social development, because they are missing important interactions with their peers.Public schooled children get to know the facility, classmates, and other children in the school. Having these people around you everyday for years and years creates a path for deep relationships. Having a routine of seeing the same people around you day after day means you will have meaningful and deep relationships. These relationships will follow you for years to come. You will always look back and think about the people you went to school with. On the other hand, there are many groups centered around home schooled children.My five cousins know many other home schooled children because of these said groups. One of the biggest disadvantages of public schooling is the teacher to student ratio. In bigger schools, there may not be as much one-on-one interactions, and this can prove harmful to a child's education. In my public high school this was not a problem, because we were a smaller school with many teachers. For some student's they may need the one-on-one help to ensure they understand what is being taught to them. Some children may do fine with a higher teacher to student ratio, but it depends on each individual child.Distractions in public school is also a disadvantage, because for some children, being distracted may cause them to fail. No parent wants their child to fail in anything. Being home schooled allows a child to create a schedule that works best for them. There are benefits to establishing a personal schedule, such as sleeping later and having more free time. They will, in all, waste less time because their schooling is centered purely around the child and their needs. They can learn at a speed that works best for them, and can concentrate more time on any weaknesses.With not having the di stractions like public schools have, home schooled students are better able to avoid peer pressure. Even with all of the advantages of home schooling, it can also be harmful and damaging to the child’s growth as an adult. If one gets use to the one-on-one attention, it could hinder them greatly. If they stop getting this one-on-one attention, they may fall behind in the business and adult world. Not having a structured environment that public schools provide, home schooled students may not know how to deal with deadlines and rules.This may hurt the students in their adult and businesses life. In order to make it through life, one must know how to follow rules and how to work under pressure. Because there is less chaos and stress in a home schooled environment, one had less experience in handling pressure. Therefore, home schooled students are less attractive to businesses. The lack of pressure and guidelines will hinder a person attempting to get a professional job, because t hey have not had to listen and do as they say in a home schooled environment.However, if a parent knows the importance of deadlines and rules, they may still enforce them at a home schooled environment. It all depends on the parent and their children. One of the advantages of home schooling is not having to follow a certain lesson plan as you would in a typical public school setting. With public schooling, the students have to follow a certain lesson plan set forth by the teacher. With having this set lesson plan, the student may already know what is being taught. Therefore, there is a bunch of filler homework in public school.Having had gone to public school with a girl who got pregnant during high school, I know this information through her. She dropped out because of the birth of her son, and began home schooling herself. If she had stayed in public school, she would not have graduated until the spring of 2008. However, because she was not having to follow a lesson plan set forth by a teacher, she was able to graduate in the spring of 2007. She was able to get right down to what she needed to learn and skip all of the filler homework.By the time she would have graduated staying in public school, she was already through her first year of university. In conclusion, for a parent deciding whether to put their children in public school or home schooling them, needs to take the individual child in to prospective. Each child and their mentality are different. Therefore, each child will respond to different schooling in their own way. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to both ways of schooling. Each parent needs to take all of these in to prospective when deciding how and where their children get their education.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Analysis of Retail Market Essay

Larger businesses in retail are generally more profitable than smaller businesses with many of the largest businesses historically among the most profitable in the economy. The larger retailers in Australia would appear to have enjoyed better returns on capital than their overseas counterparts and have continued to do so since the global financial crisis. Growth in retail sales has been slow in recent years. While short term or cyclical factors have contributed to this slowdown, the growth of retail sales has experienced a long term slowdown due to changes in consumer buying habits. Consumers are choosing to spend a smaller share of their income on retail goods because over the recent past, they are saving more and they are spending greater shares of their expenditure on services such as finance, rent and education. Further, while there has been price deflation in some sub-categories of retail, overall, sales volumes have continued to grow. The level of productivity in the Australian retail industry is low compared to retail in other countries in Europe and North America. However, the growth rate of productivity in retail, over the past two decades, has been similar to the average rate for all industries in Australia. Retailers have achieved productivity growth by increasing the capital intensity of their operations, including through adopting information and communications technology. Furthermore, investments in big box retailing have also been a factor. These changes occurred earlier in the US, and since then, US retailers have continued to achieve productivity growth by improving management and operations to make more effective use of labour and capital. These opportunities appear yet to be fully realised by most Australian retailers. A snapshot of the retail industry Retailing makes a significant contribution to the economy The retail industry is one of Australia’s largest employers. Currently, there are almost 140 000 retail businesses employing about 1. 2 million people or 10. 7 per cent of the total working population. Together, retail workers earn about $32 billion in wages and salaries each year, or 6 per cent of the economy’s total. The retail industry also makes a significant contribution to economic output, contributing $55 billion or over 4 per cent of GDP each year. However, it is a relatively small contributor to investment (table 3. 1). Table 3. 1 The contribution of Australian retail trade 2009-10a Retail trade Gross value added ($m) Employment (‘000s) Wages and salaries ($m) Investment ($m) Capital stock ($m) Number of businesses (end 2008-09) a Includes motor vehicles & parts and fuel retailing. Source: ABS (Australian System of National Accounts: gross fixed capital formation and capital stock, Cat. no. 5204. 0; Labour Force, Australia, Cat. no. 6291. 0, Counts of Australian Businesses, Cat. no. 8165. 0).

The Importance of Technology

The technology has greatly improved our lives by providing many easy services without the interference of any kind physical activity. It improves levels of education and developing world nations to foster economic development. It has made life easier by providing its best and rapid solution across all the organizations such as school, Bank, place of worship, and even the favorite places to shop. Technology makes lives easier than before; nowadays we can communicate with each other from anywhere in the globe. At the same time technology can have a slightly negative influence because it can make us lazy and take things for granted.Wireless technology and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) infrastructure development is also essential for entrepreneurship and small business development. † Computer technology has leveled the competitive playing field, allowing home-based businesses to look and act as big as their corporate competitors. Broadband Internet connections, sm art phones such as the BlackBerry and the iPhone, and other technologies are so affordable that setting up a business takes a much smaller initial investment than it once did† (Understanding Business, Tenth Edition, P.155) and this part of the article is describes how technology is essential in developing and improving of small businesses.Technology plays an enormous role in my life in many aspects. Firstly, I am going to mention the role of technology in my school which is Devry University. Honestly, I feel so comfortable with using the internet in all my classes whether onsite or online. Instead of doing my assignments, essays, researches, discussion and answering quizzes or exams in class, I could now do all these stuff online and even the books are electronic which is pretty much awesome. So, using technology in my school will save a lot of money for me as I don’t need to buy books like before. Also, it saves time and effort by doing discussion and answering exams o nline.Technology has made a huge progress in banking and accounting fields. Technology has a major impact on the way banking and financial services are delivered. A wide range of alternative delivery mechanism becomes available, Internet, ATM†¦ these Reduces the dependence on the branch network as a core delivery mechanism. Technology helps me a lot every day in paying my bills online without needing to go to bank; Currently, I have an account at bank of America and I got this info. From their official web site â€Å"At your convenience—pay bills and make transfers online from home, the office, wherever you can connect. Transfer money safely and quickly between your own accounts or to your friends and family even if they have accounts at other banks. You can also schedule bills in advance knowing they’ll be paid securely and on time†. So, internet and online banking makes everything clear and easy for me.Technology is always helps me in shopping. Stores hop e to catch customers' attention and improve the buying experience with interactive devices such as holographic store greeters and mirrors that dispense fashion advice. While these technologies may be eye catching, consumers could find them gimmicky. And that’s what exactly happens to me; I found that using the internet is very useful in shopping. I could find any store near me, also I could buy anything online like electronic devices, clothes, watches and even any huge appliance, all these stuff I could pay for it at my home which will save a lot of money, effort and time because it will shipped to me on time.Technology has a very great effect in communicating people with each other all over the world. Many social media websites had been constructed to help in communicating friends and the community in general. Social media as Facebook, Twitter, youtube, My Space and many others do a great favor to the humanity. The world communicates, as defined by Webster as:1. To exchange information 2. To convey feeling or thought 3. To understand one another.And that is in my opinion is how should the communication be? We have to communicate with each other through websites and blogs to exchanges  information and of course it will improve and develop the global marketing by ads that being posted every day on these websites.Technology had helped the small business so far so great. It has freed small businesses from the restrictions of prints ads. It also helped them a lot in the advertising field. Mobile marketing is a relatively new frontier that reaches people through text messaging, E-mails and posting many other things about deals and discounts on their page at any social media websites. Technology has an essential role in manufacturing. Today many manufacturers use intermittent processes. Computers, robots, and flexible manufacturing processes allow firms to turn out custom-made goods almost as fast as mass-produced goods were once produced.(Understanding bus iness, Tenth Edition, P.241). Several major developments have made U.S. companies more competitive: (1) computer-aided design and manufacturing, (2) flexible manufacturing, (3) lean manufacturing, and (4) mass customization.As it known that everything in our live has a positive aspect and a negative aspect as well. In my opinion the positive aspects of technology is pretty much greater than its negativity. As I mentioned before in my paper that technology can have a slightly negative influence because it can make us lazy and take things for granted. And that is 100% true because we will let internet do everything for us and of course it will effect on relationships between the members of family as they cannot find enough time to meet or talk with each other. But, I think if we could overcome these all problems we could be more successful and more effective in our society.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dependence of Suppliers on Multimodal Transport Essay

Dependence of Suppliers on Multimodal Transport - Essay Example As the supply chain lengthens and transport distance increases ICs must find more cost effective methods of shipment. In this competitive market, customers expect fast delivery and quality product and services at the lowest price possible. "Trade and transport are inextricably linked: efficient transport services are a prerequisite to successful trading" ("Multimodal "UN 2006, screen 1). To compete, ICs are turning to MTO operators to handle the complexity of logistics required to accomplish timely delivery of the finished product, a marketable product with an economic value to the customer ready to be used without the requirement of further alteration of its form, ("Product" 2005) also the most critical, direct link with the customer. The complexity of international transportation of finished product, goods and services shipped to the end user, has resulted in a lengthening international supply chain (ISC) comprised of economic, technology, social/legal and environment issues and innovations necessary to improve efficiency and effectiveness. (Trienekens et al. 2003). Figure 1 demonstrates an ISC Flow Chart. The main intent of the ISC is the smooth integration of suppliers and customers within one process from raw materials receipt to delivery of finished goods (end user product) to the customer. The continuum of the supply/demand cycle and increased innovations throughout the ISC create a two way dialogue at all stages of the chain increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Figure 1: ISC (Marlow 2004) As seen in Figure 1, the expanded ISC encompasses all process within a company and has further expanded to include vendors and customers all working in tandem: to maximise buying; materials management; production; and shipment to customers. This increased efficiency is accomplished through information sharing and seamless coordination of transportation - land, sea, rail and air, and of storage and handling between each phase of the transportation chain all handled by the MTO. Multimodal transport is the door-to-door service from supplier to customer in another country utilising multiple modes of transportation to effectively and efficiently ensure delivery. ("Multimodal" 2006;"Intermodal" 2006). The Multimodal Transport Operator is "any person whoconcludes a multimodal transport contract and assumes responsibility for the performance of the contract" ("Implementation" 2001, p.5). Critical Analysis: The Inter- Dependence of Finished-Product ISCs and MTOs Companies are relying more and more on MTOs which offer door-to-door service to meet customer needs while coordinating all logistics involved in multimodal use. (Coyle et al. 2003) One factor leading to the development of the MTO was containerisation, placing smaller units inside larger containers for shipment. (Hoyle et al. 1992) The last area to define is the MTO hub, centralized

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Three Ideological Elements on Totalitarianism Essay

The Three Ideological Elements on Totalitarianism - Essay Example American Revolution focused more on the political freedom instead of the basic economic needs. She also determines an important link between the constitution and revolution; totalitarianism and modernism and post modernism and ideology and terror. Introduction: Totalitarianism has been the driving force for the political and philosophical debates for centuries, resulting in direct questioning of the ideological thinking of the time which induces a person or society to act in accordance with the existing system. Hannah Arendt can be considered a feminist authority on the political debates which as emerged in the context of Totalitarianism. Her political philosophy is diverse and challenging; has been nurtured for the sole purpose of evoking strong desire for freedom and emancipation which has been the core force leading to revolutions around the world. This element is very significant in the forces which lead to American and French revolution. The issue of totalitarianism is as present today as it was centuries ago, it is the push for domination leading towards evil and terror experienced by the dominant society, in which the strings of control lies in the hands of selected few autocratic and power hungry people like Hitler an d Stalin. Her phenomenal attention to the understanding of the ideology behind totalitarianism is rooted in the concept of 'total domination' (Bernestein, 2002). According to Arendt total domination, "strives to organize the infinite plurality and differentiation of human beings as if all of humanity were just one individual .... The problem is to fabricate something that does not exist, namely, a kind of human species resembling other animal species whose only 'freedom' would consist in 'preserving the species'. Totalitarian domination attempts to achieve this goal through ideological indoctrination of the elite formations and through absolute terror in the camps. . ."(Arendt, 1968,pg.438). The concentration and extermination camps symbolize this "logic of total domination"(Bernstein,2002); they are the laboratories in which the ideological conviction that "everything is possible"(Bernstein,2002) is tested. Her insightful analysis of the political thought draws its force from the general political concepts which are seated in the core drivers of the political vehicle like authority, power, state and sovereignty. She evaluates the ideologies in the light of the totalitarian movement for "total domination" and its terror filled impact on the human race leading to revolutions and global political changes. She aims to integrate the phenomenological prioritization which is based on experiential characteristic of the human race and attempts to uncover the fundamental structures of the political experience through the ages of turmoil, revolution and political changes. Arendt's phenomenological approach aims to investigate the availability of the structures and the characteristics of the political being as distinct from the moral, practical, artistic, productive and other forms of life. Her work focuses on the human action oriented with labour, action and work which are the characteristics use d to uncover the phenomenologi

Monday, October 7, 2019

American indian Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American indian - Essay Example He was also known as â€Å"Liver-eating Johnston† because it was believed that he ate the livers of the Indians he killed as a sign of disrespect. In the movie however, Johnson was not really a violent man. He was only driven into vendetta when the Crow Indians murdered his family. Redford gave a great performance in this movie. Even with just Redford’s acting, the film could very well be a stand-out. Will Geer’s performance as Bear Claw Chris Lapp is also outstanding. The thing that I liked best in the movie is the fantastic cinematography. The film was shot in Utah Zion’s National Park. The setting is breath-taking and gives an excellent backdrop for the movie. The background music used in the movie is very appropriate and blends well with the scenery. I find the last scene of the movie very touching. Johnson is shown reaching his hand into the air as a sign of friendship in reaction to the Crow Chief’s raising of his hand too as a sign of peace b etween the tribe and Johnson. I find this scene also symbolic of the friendship that is to come between Johnson and the Crow Indians. There was so much meaning in this scene. In terms of accuracy, I think Pollack researched well about the language, culture and clothing at that time. The technology presented is authentic such as the use of the Hawken rifle.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Post-modern Performing Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Post-modern Performing Art - Essay Example One feature of recognizing dance as a performing art is recognizing its evanescence. Once we accept the transience of dance in this sense, we must still acknowledge its permanence: that the very same dance can be re-performed at some later date. But that fact itself must be explained. And if we want to understand the performing arts a little better here, it is first necessary to say something about the arts more generally. The critic writes an interpretation of a work of art—a poem, a painting or a dance. These interpretations are centrally, often exclusively, verbal in character, even when they are interpretations of dance or music. We call these ‘critic’s interpretations’. Second, there is the interpretation of the performer in a performing art. The performer is irrelevant to what the work of art (in a performing art) means, although my earlier remarks may have tended in that direction. It is not as though something that could be interpreted by the critic is instead interpreted by the performer. Rather, whenever the critic confronts the work of art itself (rather than the score, say) he necessarily confronts something already interpreted by some performer, if this is a work in a performing art. Works in the performing arts come, as we have seen, with a label reading ‘And now perform it’. The content of such a label is always relevant to the meaning of such-and-such a work of art. For only in performance is a token of that type-work available for criticism. The performer’s interpretation does not really.... But that fact itself must be explained. And if we want to understand the performing arts a little better here, it is first necessary to say something about the arts more generally. The critic writes an interpretation of a work of art-a poem, a painting or a dance. These interpretations are centrally, often exclusively, verbal in character, even when they are interpretations of dance or music. We call these 'critic's interpretations'. Second, there is the interpretation of the performer in a performing art. The performer is irrelevant to what the work of art (in a performing art) means, although my earlier remarks may have tended in that direction. It is not as though something that could be interpreted by the critic is instead interpreted by the performer. Rather, whenever the critic confronts the work of art itself (rather than the score, say) he necessarily confronts something already interpreted by some performer, if this is a work in a performing art. Works in the performing arts come, as we have seen, with a label reading 'And now perform it'. The content of such a label is always relevant to the meaning of such-and-such a work of art. For only in performance is a token of that type-work available for criticism. This means that the performer's interpretation does not really constitute a level of interpretation at all. For one cannot confront the work of art except in this 'interpreted' form. So speaking of the dance/language analogy, and of the linguistic character of our understanding, emphasizes that the place at which the meanings of dances are most readily located is in discussions of those dances, that is to say, in the linguistic element which is